
People Seen On The Beach  


After complaining about my lack of tan, an opportunity presented it’s self for me to go to the beach this past week. In the midst of laying in the sun, (with 30 SPF – no skin cancer for me), reading the latest issue of Marie Claire, and napping, I somehow found the time to people watch. Observing the enormous amounts of fellow beach goers I began placing people in categories. (Probably one of my favorite things to do- people watch). And yes, I guess that you could call this stereotyping,categorizing people, but since stereotyping has such a negative connotation associated with it, I would much rather state that the following are just some of my observations. Wondering what category you fall into? Read on to find out!

Angela’s Beach Goers Observations-

The Skanks- this category covers a broad range of people, (both male and female). This is for anyone who is sporting a bathing suit that is on the small side. This could be a tiny string bikini or a banana hammock. The person can be skinny and trying to look sexy, or big and trying to look beautiful. Either way, most people on the beach would rather the person cover up… no one needs to see that much.
The Soccer Moms- you’ve seen them coming down the beach, with their umbrellas, play pens, sand toys, strollers, coolers, tents, beach chairs, blankets, towels, sun block, and oh yeah any where from 1 to 100 screaming children. As they approach all one can do is pray that they don’t set up camp near you.
The Athletes- volleyball, wiffle ball, frisbee, football, bocci… these people are not at the beach to work on their tan.
Way To Old- as much as I love to give credit to the older generations for coming out and enjoying the sun and the surf, there just comes a time in every persons life when it’s ok to put away the bathing suit you wore when you were in high school.
Way To Tan- the people who look as if their skin is made out of leather. I don’t really know what to say about these people, because when I see them all I can do is stare and wonder if they have ever heard of sun block.
Big and Beautiful- the people who have more to love, and aren’t afraid to show it off. That takes confidence.
Sleepers- yes I tend to fall in this category, the people who travel hours just to lay on the sand and sleep. Occasionally waking up to switch sides.
I’m To Sexy- probably the most annoying people that can be found ocean side. The people who come to the beach with their hair perfect, all oiled up and patrol the beach like they own it. Most of the time these people are men sporting Oaklies or Aviator sunglasses.


How To Get A Tan On A Rainy Day  


It seems as if this entire summer has been filled with rainy days…. much like the past week. Usually, I don’t mind rainy days. They can be a nice change of pace, a chance to sit around and catch up on Project Runway and Rachel Ray. However to many rainy days and not enough time to enjoy some sunshine just plain sucks.
By the end of June I’m usually so tan that my tan lines make it seem as if I am wearing a bathing suit all the time. However this year my tan lines are barely visible and I’m still using my winter makeup, which means my tan is seriously lacking. So besides using vast amounts of sunless tanner, I’m in a search to find out what I can do to appear more tan without actually laying out in the sun or in a tanning booth. (Not to mention hopefully giving my skin a break from harmful skin cancer causing rays).

What I’ve found is that lighter tones make your skin appear darker, but deep hues such as brown and purple can work as well (as long as you are not paisley to begin with). Yellow seems to work for people with darker complexions as well. Orange can work as well, but it can also bring out the orange tones in your skin and make you look fake baked. White works best for every complexion and black is a close second. These colors work by contrasting with your skin tone.

As far as make up goes, the usual combinations of bronzers and blush seem to be the only solutions to fake a sun kissed look. Applying the bronzer in the correct way will help you look like you just stepped off the beach, not like you just spent hours in front of the mirror. When applying the bronzer use a larger brush. Apply the makeup starting at your forehead making the number “3” down the side of your face. (The hairline, cheekbone, and jaw line). Repeat on the other side of your face. Also make sure that the bronzer you buy matches the color that your skin looks when naturally tan, and that it does not have any orange undertones. By applying the makeup in this way it emulates the natural places the sun hits your face. Applying blush can be tricky, because where and how you apply it all depends on the shape of your face. Personally, I use a large brush and apply the blush to my cheek bones, then a quick swipe across my forehead, chin, and nose because those are the places on my face that receive the most sun.

When it comes to nail polish, the same theories apply to your nails as your clothing. Light pinks and oranges will make toes and fingers appear darker. As opposed to bright reds (as much as I love red toe nails, the color doesn’t do much to make skin look darker). Paired with a white or black sandal, if nothing else your feet will look as if they have just stepped off the beach.

Hopefully these tips will help out the girls who have been stuck inside all summer. If you have any tips of tricks that you use to fake a sun kissed look, let me know!


Have Curly Hair? Help Is Here!  


There are two categories of girls in this world. Girls who have curly hair and those who don’t. Girls who have curly hair usually wish their hair was as straight as a pin. While girls with straight hair just don’t understand what it is like to have curly hair. Straight hair girls claim that they would love to have curly hair, yet they don’t seem to realize how much work a girl with curly hair has to put into her hair to have a good hair day. When you have curly hair there is no just “get up and go” in the mornings. (Unless you plan on wearing a hat). Curly hair is something that needs to be cared for everyday in order for it to look its best.
Naturally curly hair has a mind of its own. You can try to tell it what to do with gels and hair mouses, but rarely will it listen. And if it is rainy outside or even the least bit humid, forget about having a good hair day. Magazines try to give the occasional helpful hint to control curls and friz, but they never offer the support and understanding of what it is like to deal with unruly curly hair in a world that favors straight hair.
If you are reading this and have curly hair, you understand where I am coming from. You have fought with your hair in the morning, you have traded hair products with your friends claiming that you have “finally found the product that gives you amazing curls” yet it never seems to work more then once, and you have desperately wished that you were born with straight hair. If you are reading this with straight hair, there is no way to understand the unspoken camaraderie that exist between us girls with curly hair.
However, for the first time I believe that there is hope for girls with curly hair. www.naturallycurly.com is a web site that provides tips, products, humidity forecast, support, and much more for girls with curly hair. This website will help you to not only learn how to manage curly hair, but to also love and embrace your curly hair even throughout the most intense down pours.

Ice Cream? Yes please!  


After many frustrating weeks of trying to set up a blog with my own URL I have officially given up. (Or at least until I find someone who understands this hole FTP upload msql html php thing). My hope was to create a blog using an original layout, my own URL and basically turn it into a super awesome website. But until then, I am going to continue to post on the original pretty in RED and hope that more people will read it.

This summer my days have consisted of waking up around 9 or 10, going to the gym, working and watching Sex And The City.(nothing exciting but relaxing none the less). One of tonight’s episodes discussed models and “modelizers”. The girls were frustrated with men lusting after models and not them. Which made wonder what exactly is it about a model that is so attractive to men? Is it really how beautiful they are? Because not all models are beautiful, and some are so skinny that they have bodies more like a teenage boy then a girl. Or do men lust after them because of the “unattainableness” that surrounds them?

I also wonder how men feel about this issue. How do they honestly feel when they hear us girls lusting after one of the perfect guys in a Nicholas Sparks novel turned block buster, or just any super sexy man with a six pack. Do they then feel the need to have the perfect body the way women feel when compared to models?

These questions also lead me to wonder why women feel the need to look like models anyway. If men also feel the pressure to look perfect, why do females feel the same way? Since both sexes are trying to look perfect to impress the other, why can’t we except each others imperfections. This way we could actually enjoy stuffing our faces on dates, and after dinner enjoy getting ice cream and/or pie after. If people actually lived like this, I believe the world would be a much happier place, because in my mind ice cream makes everyone happy. I would be lying if I said this was not the way I already live… no matter how much I eat, I still find ways to eat ice cream after. However, the next day there I am at the gym asking myself why I have no self control when it comes to food. I’m stuck in the middle of eating whatever sounds good in the moment, then regretting it soon after.

So what is a girl to do? I don’t know if there is much that can be done. However, if I could control what is considered beautiful, I would suggest eating a couple brownies and only working out to stay healthy, not to impress the guys at the beach. And as far as "modelizers" go, some men need to realize that real women don't have the body of a teenage boy.


new and improved blog!!!  


hey everyone!
starting at the end of next week- pretty in RED will be moving!
(i'll give you the site later) BUT the new blog will be much better then this blog, with a lot more features! so be excited! :)


Week Off  


Hello again!
So I decided to take last week off from blogging due to being crazzzzyyyy busy. However this week should be a little less busy and I'm going to work on my blog some more. I had no idea how much time blogging takes! O well :)Hope everyone has been enjoying my blog!


Angela Adventures - Rainy Days  


I love rainy days. They are such a nice change of pace. There is something so nice about waking up to the rain, lying in bed and realizing that for the moment you have nothing to do. Curling up on the coach with a good book and watching shows on the Style channel is awesome. For a couple of hours…. Then boredom sets in. And whenever I get bored on rainy days for some reason I get the urge to bake. Now for most people that’s completely fine. Then can figure out what they want to bake, bake it with no problems, and enjoying eating some of what ever they made. This however, is not the case when I decide I want to bake. OOOOO no. When I decide that I want to bake, I can never decide what to bake. I will spend HOURS on foodnetwork.com looking at recipes. Eventually I get overwhelmed and either A. give up on the whole baking idea or B. chose something at random. If at this point I still want to bake, things start to get really interesting. You see, I firmly believe that some people are born with “baking genes”. Someone born with “baking genes” is amazing at baking. They can cook, and I’ll go as far as saying that they can clean. I, Angela, do not have this “baking gene”, I suck at cleaning, I’m horrible at cooking, and I’m even worse at baking. I rush and never measure anything correctly, I burn myself if not the food too, and it never looks right. Sometimes I can make something that actually tastes ok… but it looks disgusting. All I can say is thank god it’s not 1940 anymore, because there is NO WAY I would make a good house wife. The final step of baking (not including cleaning up- because I’ll be honest anything that falls under the cleaning category I try to ignore) is eating whatever has been made. If I’ve made something that taste good, I can get over how it looks and eat it. If it tastes really good I end up eating way more of it then I should. Hence why I am not a size 0 and never will be. I have no self control when it comes to dessert. :)
Fortunately for me, and everyone else who would have been subjected to my baking, I gave up on the whole baking idea after not being able to decide what to make. However the picture below is from my last rainy day baking adventure when my friend Tim and I made a Coca Cola cake. Even though it looked disgusting it was delicious.

Best Songs to Sing Along With While Driving  


(the following songs are in no particular order)

Days Go By - Keith Urban
Living On A Prayer - Bon Jovi
Johnny Cash - Jason Aldean
Our Song - Taylor Swift
Piece Of Me - Brittney Spears
Rock & Roll Band - Boston
Fergalicious - Fergie
I Got It From My Mama - Will I Am
Life Is A Highway - Rascal Flatts
Sexyback - Justin Timberlake
These Are My People - Rodney Atkins
All Things Consdered - Yankee Grey
Shes A Hottie - Toby Kieth
I'm Shipping Up To Boston - Dropkick Murpheys
Self Esteem - Offspring

(to be conitinued...)

Tell me what your favorites are! leave a comment!


New Car  


For a while now I have been looking to buy a new car. Not a brandy new car- but a different car for me. My 1996 Pontiac Grand Am has finally reached the end of its life and it is way past time for something new. Hence the theme for this week - Fast Cars And Freedom. (This weeks theme may also have to do with my love for Rascal Flatts…. J ). Car shopping is not as fun as I thought it would be. Trying to find a car that will be reliable, stylish, and on the cheaper end of the car buying spectrum is not an easy task. I guess it doesn’t help that I have no clue what type of car I want to buy. One week I want a Toyota Corolla, the next I want a Jeep Wrangler. Sometimes I just want to say screw it all and buy a corvett of a mustang. But in all reality I think I’m going to end up with a 1999 GMC Jimmy. Pretty pimp huh… yeah not really. But in all reality its something that will get me from point A to point B.. even in the winter! (With my car now, when it snows I’m either stuck at home cause my car can’t get out of the driveway, or stuck on my road cause my car can’t make it up my road). And I already have a name for the Jimmy… (no not Jimmy.. that’s just lame) Guzzy! .. Cause its going to be a gas guzzler!! Hahaha ( ps that laugh is not a sarcastic laugh, I actually do think Guzzy is a funny name and I laugh whenever I say it.) :)


Angela Adventures - Guitar Hero and Dance Dance Revolution  


For my sister’s birthday my mom bought her a PS2, Guitar Hero and Dance Dance Revolution. Needless to say, we have been playing video games since she opened her presents. Guitar Hero is possibly the best game ever, next to Super Mario Brothers. That is, until you get stuck on a song… for instance “Sunshine Of Your Love” by Cream. Hearing the song more then twice in a row is very painful, hearing it 4 times in a row in unbearable. However, hearing “Sunshine Of Your Love” 4 times in a row is not as bad as hearing “Free Bird” By Lynyrd Skynyrd 6 times in a row. (True story. Last summer one of my friends was playing guitar hero and would not stop until he beat Free Bird. Which is very understandable…. if you have ever played, the game is wicked addicting. The problem was that he would do very well in the beginning of the song, then lose 30 seconds from the end. Not saying that Free Bird isn’t a good song, it just gets really old when it is playing repeatedly for an hour. ) After Guitar Hero Dance Dance Revolution was whipped out. I’m not a fan of DDR, call me a sore loser but I suck at the game and give up really easily. ( I plan on practing when no one is home then surprising people with my awesome DDR skills) Thats not to say the game isn't really funny to watch people play. Its freakin hillarious!!! As I sit on the couch typing this a DDR competition is taking place right in front of me. Lucky me to witness this. :P The funniest part about this competition is that when one person is playing the game, the other is practicing without the DDR mat, right next to the person who is playing. I would be lying if I said I didn’t have the heart to tell them how absolutely ridiculous they look. Laughing and making fun of them has been the entertainment of my evening. :)


reality TV vs politics  


What exactly is it about reality TV that makes it so addicting. I bet if ten people on the street were asked who won American Idol, 9.5 out of ten would be able to tell you. (BTW it was David Cook for everyone who has been living under a rock.) Now ask those same ten people a question about politics, I’m guessing only 3 people would be able to answer. It’s sad that people care more about watching a bisexual trying to find love on MTV Monday’s at 10 pm then what is going on in the world around them. But I can’t judge any of those people; because I’m one of them.
I’ll admit I know more about My Big Redneck Wedding, than I do about the up coming election. I could tell you exactly what happen during last season’s final episode of Tila Tequila, but I know nothing about the last presidential debate. Call me superficial, ignorant, whatever you wish, I just happen to find (along with millions of other Americans) watching strangers compete to win someone’s heart on national television more interesting.
I personally believe that instead of knocking today’s generation for spending more time watching “trash” TV than paying attention to the “important issues”; people should start presenting the important issues in a way that we can relate to. As sad or pathetic as this may sound, I personally think a reality show following the presidential candidates would be amazing. Not only would the show pull in huge ratings, but it would also expose the election to a very broad audience. The curisoity factor alone about what the show is about would attract thousands of viewers.
In the 2004 election only 21 million people between the age of 18 and 29 voted. If a show was created that made the campaign more realatble to people in that age bracket more people would be inclined to vote. No longer would voting be voting for the president of the United States, people would be voting for their favorite candidate to win the show.
Yes I realize what I am saying is equivalent to what a girl would say on Beauty and the Geek. But honestly, something has to be done. And just think about it. If older generations really want the millennia generation to spend more time involved what is going on in the world around them, then they need to come to terms with the saying “if you can’t beat them, join them”. The maybe, just maybe reality television could become true to its name, and focus on something real.


Angela Adventures - at work  


Today was my first official day of waitressing. It started off like any other day. Waking up around 9:30, showering, and then off to meet up with my dad to discuss what to do about my dying car. When all of a sudden I received a voice mall asking me why I was not at work yet. Confused I called back, and was told that I was supposed to be at work for 10:45. (It was now 11:30). So needless to say, I was kinda a little bit late. Oopsssiieeee In my defense however, I was told that I would not be working till next Monday. But that’s not the point of this post. The point of this post is to discuss my last table of the day.
My last table of the day was a 65 year old black man from Wisconsin. He was wearing a plaid shirt and overalls. The first thing he asked me was “what is a 65 year old man supposed to look like?”. Thinking on my toes I replied a lot older then you. (you gotta do what you gotta do to get a good tip). Then he asked me about the calcium spots on my teeth. He asked “if I put them there on purpose?”. I told him NO, and explained what they were. (cause really- why would any one put polka dots on their teeth?!) After that whole conversation I finally got around to telling him my name. After he went on to explain how he was a trucker and bla bla bla talked about us “damn Yankees” bla bla bla.
He order shrimp and sweet potato fries, even though “us Yankees don’t know nothing about sweet potato fries”. Once he got his food he complained that there wasn’t enough shrimp. I apologized and then he started talking about how “us Yankees fish a lot around Boston”. I just looked at him and told him that I didn’t fish. Later I asked him if he wanted dessert. He said only if it was a really big one, so I suggested the brownie sundae. He told me that if he didn’t it, like he would spank me with a plate. I ran away from his table.
When I gave him his check he told me that his food was horrible but the service was amazing. (aka he loved me). Not sure if I should be proud of that or not…


Guilty Pleasures  


So this week’s theme is not only about reality television. It’s also about guilty pleasures. (Reality TV just happens to be one of my biggest guilty pleasure…. ) Other guilty pleasures of mine include but not limited too-

Shopping for undies
Chick flicks
Laying out in the sun for hours (usually without sun block :x)
Listening to country music
Listening to boy bands ie N*Sync and my personal favorite.. Backstreet Boys (love them!)
Vera Bradley
Changing my outfit at least 3 times a day
Ice cream :)
Buying shoes that I will never wear
Boys :)
Laying on the beach

And lastly I'm pretty sure I would love to be laying on the beach drinking something alcoholic from an umbrella straw that is being served to me by a super sexy man. But that has yet to happen so I guess I cant add it to the list.

However after reading this list I realize that I do not, repeat- DO NOT feel guilty about any thing on this list. So technically the real title for this post should be "Things Angela Should Feel Guilty About But Doesn't". :)


WEEKLY BLOG! ... POLL RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!!  


So much for a daily blog! Two weeks in and already I’m starting to realize that bloging everyday is an impossible task for me! So with that, I’ve decided to change from a daily blog, to a weekly blog. I am going to try to update the blog every Sunday. This way there is some constancy- unless something super awesome comes up in the middle of the week. OR unless it’s a Thursday afternoon and there is nothing else to do but blog and watch The Real World. :)
I don’t know what it is about The Real World that makes it so addicting, every season contains the same type of drama, all that changes are the location and house members. But without fail, I watch every single episode of every single season that has been on for the past 6 or so years. (Actually that’s a lie, I didn’t like the Las Vegas season). Either way, I don’t even want to know how many hours of my life I have spent watching just The Real World, I seriously have a reality TV problem. I think that that is what my next poll is going to be about. Reality TV. What shows people like and why....

Speaking of polls- the results are in from my first poll!!!
42% of people like to kiss in the rain
42% of people like to kiss under the stars
16% of people like to kiss on the beach
… no one seems to like to kiss in the back of a car. I personally see nothing wrong with it as long as the car you are kissing in is worth kissing in. (AKA not a Ford Taurus).


update on comments / poll  


hey thanks to all seven people who took my poll! I'm going to create another one sometime soon- so if anyone has any ideas let me know! also........ in regards to a comment left about turning me emo- it will never happen. i am way to happy of a person to do that :)
k thanks ! :)

angela adventures! Hot Bar Man (!!!!!!)  


So I've been training to be a waitress for a couple of days now. Tonight my training included running food to the tables, so after a couple of burns from the fajitas and confusing a couple of guest when I tried to give them the wrong food, I finally got the hang of the whole table number thing and what the abbreviations for all of the dishes mean. WELL towards the end of the night, I had to bring some sort of shrimp thing to the bar. The bar is very confusing so I tried to give the shrimp thing to the wrong person, who happened to be very.. VERY attractive. (For our purposes we will call him Hot Bar Man.) Well the bar tender corrected me and said “no Angela hun, its for this guy” so I gave the food to the guy right next to him. I turn around to go back to the kitchen seeing as how I completed my task, when Hot Bar Man goes “what’s your name again?” I could not believe that he wanted to know my name, so after a few quick OMG’s to myself I put on my best flirting smile and said “Angela”. He then reaches out his hand and goes “HI Angela, I’m (insert name here cause I didn’t hear his real name, hence the name Hot Bar Man).” I say in my best cutesy voice, “o I’m so sorry but I don’t want to shake your hand, my hands are disgusting they are covered in grease!” He replies- get this “No that’s ok, they can’t be that bad!” I give him a “are you sure look” he nods! So I shake his hand and smile. After he goes “eww gross!” (WHILE LAUGHING!) and I go “I know right they are disgusting!!” and turn and leave before I start hard core flirting and someone sees me.. Cause I’m not sure if that is allowed. But basically I GOT HIT ON BY THE HOTTEST GUY AT THE BAR TONIGHT!!! Kudos to me.
That’s all for now- it’s late and I need my beauty rest… who knows what sexy men will be at the bar tomorrow !!! ;)


angela adventures!  


I’ve decided that this blog is going to be more then just me posting random topics. I’m also going to blog the adventures of miss adventures of Moi (I in French.. Aka me!). However some of the places and names will be changed...

I thought today would be a good day to start talking about my adventures because today I started a new job. I’m going to be a waitress at Fridays. (very excited about this! Hopefully Fridays will be more exciting then working at a grocery store!). Anyways, I was told to be there at 1:30, so I walk through the door at 1:25. Come to find out, I really wasn’t supposed to be there till 2. Basically if showing up early makes a good impression, I should have made an amazing impression. Also what is funny about this is that at my last job, I showed up for orientation a half hour early too…. But that time was because I couldn’t understand the lady on the phone and I was to nervous to ask her to repeat herself. But anyways…. So orientation went well… except I didn’t get the memo about the needing two forms of ID or that we didn’t need to wear our black plans and ugly black shoes today. :/ I start training tomorrow and will pretty much be waitressing on my own by next week! (Kinda scary thought!) O well… its money in the bank!!!

So I know that its not that exciting of an adventure, but its something. I’m not going to be writing adventures everyday cause I really don’t want this blog to become a diary but I think that it will be something different … and hopefully fun to read :)


Cowboys + PBR  


At heart I’m a country girl. I love country music, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and I love cowboys. I think there is nothing hotter then a man in a pair of Levis with a belt buckle, t-shirt (or plaid shirt) and work boots. So last night when I was trying to find something to watch on TV, I thought that I would check out Professional Bull Riding. And OMG…. I am so glad that I did. Guarantee there are a lot of ugly men who ride bulls, but there are also a lot of attractive men. Levi wearing men. Cowboys. *sigh*
Basically, in case you have never seen PBR before, or just incase you have never heard of it, here is basically what happens: men are either assigned or they chose which bull they want to ride. When it is their turn they climb on top of the bull in a enclosed area. Then they open the gate and the bull starts jumping around and the men have to stay on the bull. Whoever stays on the longest wins (I think). Either way, if you think that cowboys are even the least bit attractive, I would highly recommend watching PBR next time it comes on.


the middle of may and lilacs....  


So there is something about the middle two weeks of May that I absolutely love. The temperature is perfect, the leaves are finally open, lilacs are blooming… even when its raining outside, the rain in the middle of May is happy rain. (as opposed to damp dreary rain that makes you want to stay in bed all day). The rain in May makes me want to put on my rain boots, (a rain jacket if I had one) and an umbrella and go and jump in puddles… yes I am still a 5 year old at heart. But the rain isn’t the best part about this time of year. Actually it isn’t even the second best part… (the second best part is finally realizing the trees are full of leaves.. That moment when you look around and suddenly realize that the leaves on the trees are huge!!!) Anyways the absolute best part about the middle of May is the lilacs. There is something about seeing the lilacs in bloom that makes me so incredibly happy. Every year I look forward to the two short weeks when the lilacs are in bloom. It’s my favorite sent in the world and I think that the flowers are absolutely beautiful. Ever since I was a little girl I have planned my future home with the yard enclosed by lilac bushes..... Every time I have moved with my family in the past 10 years I have made sure that our new house had at least one lilac bush, I don’t think I could be truly happy without seeing them bloom in my own yard year in and year out. The exciting happy feeling that the middle of May gives me and the lilacs are the one main constant in my life. They will always happen no matter what is going on in my life or where I‘m living. Perhaps that is why I love them so much....I’m not really sure, what I do know is that I love them and this time of year more then any other.

what every girl needs.  


Every girl only needs one thing in their life to be completely happy. Something that can make a girl more happy then any man, any amounts of chocolate, and number of coach bags. Something much more orgasmic then David Beckham falling madly in love with you and whisking you away to some tropical island resort. (Because you see as sexy as David Beckham is- he is still a man and will still have moments where he is a total dick I’m sure).
What every girl needs is a pair of Jimmy Choos.
Think about it. They’re sexy, classy, beautiful, and will always love you back. Jimmy Choos are always patient and kind; they are never jealous, but they might make you boastful or conceited; they are never rude or selfish; they do not take offense, and are not resentful. Jimmy Choos may take pleasure in other people’s sins but only to gossip; they are always ready to party, to laugh, to drink, and to have a good time. The love from Jimmy Choos does not come to an end.
Just imagine walking into a room. Everyone stopping what they are doing to see you walk across the room with your Jimmy Choos. Everyone staring in complete and total envy. If that isn’t a confidence boost then I don’t know what it.
(And who knows, once you starting strutting around in your Jimmy Choo’s David Beckham might realize what he is missing ;) )


why blog?  


Why blog? Well, pretty much why not? It seems to be the hot new trend- and there is something exciting about posting your thoughts for the world to see.
I don't intend to create a blog with my views on the campaign or global warming or the genocide in africa. (Not that I don't care about those topics!) I would just rather talk about boys, clothes, makeup... girly stuff. If you happen to think that this is just another silly blog, then I guess your right... I don't intend to be serious :)