
Weight Lost Rant- the prologue  


OK so realistically, I know I’m not fat. But at 5 foot 3, 163 pounds (the heaviest I have ever been mind you) I sure feel like I am. People tell me all the time, “What are you talking about?” “You look great!” “You’re not fat, so stop saying that you are”. I would like to tell all of these people that they are full of shit.
My love of food, my friends’ love of food, and the use of food as socializing has brought me here, to a life with a muffin top, and love handles that provide almost too much cushion for the push’n. Every summer, I follow the same routine to battle the love handles, and every year I succeed… for about 3 months, until my love for food wins over, and with my 21st birthday this fall, my love for tequila, beer, rum, and recently wine. Every year I follow the mantra “Don’t let another summer go by” and last year, I almost succeeded - Until I fell head over heels in love. Now nine months into the relationship and 13 pounds later, I want to re-loose all of the weight that I have gained, and get back on track to heading towards my goal weight of 140.
For all of you who are thinking “23 pounds, what is she complaining about? That’s not that bad! Trying having to loose 50 pounds, or even 100 pounds!” I would like to reiterate to them the fact that I LOVE food, I love my Wasted Wednesdays with the girls, and I HATE waking up early to go the gym.
So in order to lose this weight, I need to completely, and totally, 100% change my life style.
Oh and P.S. when ever I get hungry I get crabby. Like scary crabby, and its uncontrollable.
And one last thing, I leave for the Bahamas in 94 days. That’s basically 13 and ½ weeks. And my goal is to be down to a lean mean SEXY 145 pounds by then. So from today on, I need to lose almost a pound and half a week.
….God help us all.

What next?

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1 comments: to “ Weight Lost Rant- the prologue

  • January 4, 2011 at 6:49 PM  

    I hate it when people say that. "Oh you're not fat, you're fine!" Well, fine by your standards maybe. Maybe fat isn't the right word, but I totally feel your pain. Uncomfortable in your own skin is more the feeling, and knowing you can look and feel better. Good luck in your quest for weight loss!